============================================================================ Bendless Love Written by Eric Horsted Directed by Swinton Scott ============================================================================ Production code: 3ACV06 Original Airdate on FOX: 11-Feb-2001 TV Guide synopsis: Bender's best talent -- bending things -- lands him a scab job where a knockout fembot (Jan Hooks) comes between him and an old friend.
Opening theme promotion: TORN FROM TOMORROW'S HEADLINES Opening theme cartoon: [[[Unknown]]]
... Elzar's book title "Three more great recipes"? ... Fry trims the plant at the apartment into what looks to be the Planet Express ship? Joe Klemm: ... the sound of a shortband modem going online when Bender is taught how to bend? ... Bender sweating oil when bending the unbendable girder? ... iZac at the Hip Joint? Andrew Levine: ... along with Hookerbot 5000, the Masked Unit's girlfriend (whom Bender's disguise gets stuck to), and at least one of the nerd-bots from Mars University? Fen Phen: ... Amy's the first one to figure out who's been doing all the bending around the office? Ozan Ayyuce: ... the box with robot heads in the robot factory contains Flexo's head?
- Starring - Billy West (Fry, Dr. Zoidberg, Prof. Farnsworth) - Katey Sagal (Leela) - John DiMaggio (Bender, Flexo, Elzar, Mousepad) - Tress MacNeille () - Guest Starring - Phil Lamarr (Hermes Conrad) - Lauren Tom (Amy Wong) - Frank Welker - Karen Maruyama - Susie Plakson - Special Appearance by - Jan Hooks (Angleyne) - Also Starring - Maurice LaMarche (Clamps)
+ Ghost (Movie) - The romantic scene of bending the girder together is a common reference to a scene in this movie. The music playing during it is the same. + Endless Love - Episode Title {jk} + BENGAY - BENDGAY {jk} + Knight Rider (TV Series) - the autopilot {oa} + "Unchained Melody" (1961 Righteous Brothers song) - Played while Bender helps Angleyne bend the girder {al} + "Bend Me, Shape Me" (1968 American Breed song) - Played while Bender courts Angleyne {al} + Godfather - "Just when I thought that I was out they pull me back in." {zti}
- [1ACV04] The Hip Joint. - [2ACV06] Flexo appears.
- Outside Elzar's: TONIGHT'S SPECIAL BLACKENED LEFTOVERS - Outside Elzar's the second time around: TONIGHT'S SPECIAL BLACKENED BLACKENED LEFTOVERS - Outside the Hip Joint: ROBOT NITE DESIGNATED DEVICE DRIVERS DRINK FREE - Sign on the taxi that brings Bender to The Hip Joint: [Kid's picture] got protoplasm?
The girder Bender and Agleyne bend together is not big enough to make the heart it becomes at the end. Zoidberg says "J'accuse!" (despite French being a dead language). {fp} - Sacre bleu! I'm guessing that, as is the case today, some French lives on as part of English. {jd}
Luther Miller: I found this episode to be pretty boring. Slow paced and not very funny. And since when does Bender have genuine feelings of love without some chip being implanted? Yawn. Mike Reed: I liked it. Not the best ever, but not bad. I think think we're seeing great characterization this season (Fry in [3ACV02], Bender here...). Furthermore, I think that this episode shows that Futurama has become a full-fledged show with supporting characters, since a lot of "people" from previous eps showed up. (Flexo, robot mafia, Elzar...). I thought it was pretty funny, especially the professor's song at the end, which had me ROTFL.
With last night's episode showing Bender's actual birth we have another piece that doesn't fit in the puzzle of his life before he found himself waiting in line behind Fry for the Suicide Booth. What I mean is he went through school in a matter of seconds, whereas in "Hell Is Other Robots" he referred to Fender as a robot he hadn't seen since high school. Also, did he go straight to college where he became an ERR (epsilon rho rho, which is strange because with the level of intelligence the writers have for this show you'd think they'd know that in Greek rho may make the R sound, but has the symbol of a P) legend? {f?} - There's another inconsistency with him showing a picture of his mom in the xmas ep. The construction robot looks totally different to the one that assembled him in "Bendless Love". {m} - Remember, that this version of Bender's past is told by Bender himself, and therefore does not necessarily mean it's the truth. {petben}
At Planet Express hangar. The ship is about to take off. Leela: Guidance system? Bender: On-line. Leela: Autopilot? Autopilot: Present. Leela: Dark matter indicator? Fry: Making a noise. Leela: All systems operational. Let's rock. % The ship starts taking off. But right after take-off it tips over and % falls down. The landing gear pops out. A traffic jam forms around it. % % Later, at Planet Express, in the meeting room. Leela: Gentlemen, I've completed my report on the crash. [Throws a thick bound report on the table] Bender: Whoa, I'm not reading that crap. Summarize it in one word. Leela: Sabotage. [Everyone gasps] This is a normal L-unit. [Points to an L-shaped block on the table] Without it, space travel is but the fevered dream of a madman. Fry: Yeah. Bender: Of course. Zoidberg: Doy. Hermes: It's an important unit. Leela: And this, my friends, is the L-unit I just removed from the ship. [Pull the cloth off a straight block. Everyone gasps] Fry: That doesn't look like an "L" at all - unless you count lowercase. Bender: You know we don't. [Slaps him in the face] Fry: Ooh! Leela: Whoever did this was strong. This is 340 pounds of Tonka-tough steel. Bender: [Picks up the bar] Mm, it should look like this... [Bends it to the L-shape] but, instead, it looks like this. [Bends it back to the straight shape] Fry: Who would do a thing like that? Bender: Who COULD do a thing like that? And by that, I mean this. [Bends it back and forth several times] Zoidberg: Well, gang, it looks like we have another mystery on our hands. Hermes: I better make a chart of the suspects. I'll begin by drawing a line with my straightedge. [Starts drawing a line which suddenly goes up. He gasps] Sweet lamprey of Santa Fe! My edge has been bent! Amy: My javelin, too! It's ruined! [Holds up a zigzagged javelin] Now we'll never beat Jupiter State. Zoidberg: My slinky! My cuddly little pet slinky! [Runs to a perfectly straight rod propped against the wall. Sobs] Prof.: [Comes in, bent over] What's all the hubbub? Leela: My God, even the Professor's been bent. Prof.: [Looking down at the floor] Thank you for your sympathy, talking square of linoleum. Bender: I'll get you fixed up. [Straightens the professor up, then continues to bend him over backwards, leaving him this way. The professor yells as his back snaps] That's fine. Amy: Wait a minute. Bender, what did you just do to the Professor? Bender: I bent him. [Everyone gasps] Amy: Aha! Zoidberg: J'accuse! Bender: Oh, I see. A bunch of stuff gets bent so it must be the robot designed for bending. Hermes: I know how to settle this. We'll check last night's surveillance tapes. Fry: Huh? Leela: Surveillance? Amy: What tapes? Zoidberg: You've seen me naked? % Hermes opens up a closet with organized collection of videos. Hermes: Ah, last night's tape. It was right next to "Bathroom Bloopers IV". % Bender grabs the tape from him and puts it into VCR. The screen shows the % professor snoring in the chair. Several owls get out of the mousehole and % walk around. Bender: See? Nothing. Told you losers. % Then Bender shows up from the side. Fry: Wait, there on the screen. It's that guy you are. [Everyone gasps] Bender: I'm sleepwalking. Prof.: [Bent over backward, watching on the screen mounted on his forehead] Dear Lord, we've got robots on the ceiling. % Bender on the screen mumbles, walks to a column, rips it out of its place, % bends it in two places and puts it back. Everyone gasps. Then he also bends % the couch cushion, the palm tree, the sleeping professor and, finally, the % camera, which afterwards shows static. Fry: You weren't sleepwalking - you were sleep-bending. Bender: This is quite a shock. On the other hand it's not surprising in the least. After all, I've been bending since the day I was built. % Flashback to the time of Bender's assembly. Bender narrating. Bender: I was born on an assembly line in the bad part of Tijuana. % The assembly robot arms slap him together from assorted parts. Bender: Mama. Wha! Wha! % The robot arm hands him a bib, while he sucks on it, he's transported to % the "BENDING SCHOOL" on the conveyor belt. A jack inserts in a slot in his % head, modem-like whistling is heard with a progress indicator running on the % screen. When done, the jacks pulls out and another robot arms hands him a % diploma, puts on a mortarboard. Yet another one takes it off a second later % and tosses it away. Bender: Hooray! I graduated! Time to bend around Europe for a few months then get a job bending. [Bends his diploma] Amy: You remember your own birth? Bender: Sure. It was only four years ago. Fry: You're only four years old? Bender: Precocious little scamp, ain't I? [Takes a drag from his cigar] Leela: Hmm, Bender must have a pent-up need to bend that's not being satisfied by his bend-free lifestyle. Prof.: Then he can't stay here. He's a menace to every straight person in the company. Go satisfy your bend lust and don't you come back to work until you do. [Points him to the door. Then he falls down backwards, overweighed by his extended hand] % At CURVERTTI BENDING PLANT. It's the strike. Robots: [Chanting] No more bending, No more work Give us a raise, you big fat jerk. Manager: Nevers! % Robot mafia car drives by and stops. Mousepad: Yo, the Mafia supports you but don't tell no one. Spread the word. Donbot: As the duly elected mobsters of this union it's our duty to support the struggle of these proud lazy slobs. Mousepad: Yeah, but what if management remains in-trag-ni-sent? Donbot: From the context, it is clear what you mean. In that case, Clamps may have a little surprise for them. Clamps: The Clamps! [Clamps] Right? [Donbot nods. He laughs, clamping continuously] Bender: Aw, no, a strike? Now I'll never get to bend anything. Oh, woe is Bender. Robot: Hang tough, brother. Management refused our demand to switch casual Friday to Monday. Bender: What?! Robot 1: And now they're hiring scabs And now they're hiring scabs at ten times the normal wage. Bender: Ten times normal wage?! I'll give those jerks what for. [Robots cheer] % Bender walks through the fence towards the plant. Fat guy: Welcomes aboard, scab. Bender: Great to be here. Manager: Come on, I'll introduces you to your scab coworkers you'll be scabbing with. This here's our scab foreman. % Points at a robot. He turns around. It's Flexo. Bender: Flexo?! Flexo: Bender?! Bender: Hey, sorry you got sent to that South American Turkish prison instead of me on account of mistaken identity. Flexo: You bastard. They treated me like an animal and that's what I became. [Laughs] Nah, you're all right. Good to see you, buddy. Manager: Here's another scab what also works here - Angleyne. % Bender gasps. Romantic music starts. The camera shows a blurry view of a % fembot styled as a cute thin young girl. Bender: Hello. Manager: Hey, yous guyses want to move that things? % Two robots move the blurry sheet of glass that was on the way. Angleyne % turns out to be not as thin or young. A kind of sleazy music starts. Bender: [Even more enthusiastically] Hello! % Angleyne laughs raspily and coughs. % [End of Act One. Act Time: 6:46 Running Time: 6:46] % At the bending plant. Robots outside are still on strike. Robots: Give us a raise, you big fat jerk! Manager: Nevers! % Inside, Flexo, Bender and Angleyne scabbing. Flexo and Bender bend large % girders, Angleyne makes hangers out of wire. Bender looks at her dreamingly % and sighs. The next girder hits him on the head. Bender: Ow! [He walks to Angleyne] Um... hi, Angleyne. What you up to? Angleyne: Making hangers. Guidance counselor said I had a knack for it. Bender: That's cool, that's cool. So, um... uh... I was wondering if... you know, it's cool if not, but... what are you doing after work? Angleyne: What I always do - jack squat. Bender: [Chuckles nervously] Me, too. We have a lot in common, huh? Angleyne: Well, we are made of virtually identical components. Bender: Are you sure? Maybe I should sneak a peek at your access panel. Angleyne: Hey, according to the Scab Handbook [Holds up a pamphlet] that's extremely inappropriate banter. And that's just the way I like it. % Bender smiles widely. % % At Planet Express. Hermes is straightening out his straightedge. Hermes: Haile H. Selassie... Zoidberg: There, little friend, good as new. [Holding a crumpled up slinky] % He tries to let it go down an improvised stairs, made out of book. It % clumsily and unevenly rolls down, explodes and bursts into flames at the % bottom. Zoidberg cries. % % On the street. Fry and professor are walking. Professor is still bent over % backwards and his head is supported by stick on a wheel. Prof.: What an exquisite day. That azure sky, the verdant treetops those delightful birds with their "chirp-chirp-chirp" and their "tweet-tweet-splat." Fry: Professor, I've never seen you so cheerful. What the hell's wrong with you? Prof.: Hmm... I'm not quite sure. Perhaps seeing things from a new perspective has reminded me of life's beauty. Or perhaps my new posture is causing blood to pool in the back of my brain, resulting in a mild delirium. Incidentally, you have a dime up your nose. Fry: I wish. It's a nickel. % Back at the bending plant. Bender is passing through the striking crowd. Bender: Union forever! Lousy scabs-- they can't do those things... et cetera! [Backs into the plant] % Inside the planet, scabbing. Bender: I bet watching me bend girders like this turns your legs all rubbery. Angleyne: Well, my legs are made of rubber. And anyway, I am just as strong as you are, Mac. Bender: Oh, yeah? [Passes her the next girder] Prove it. % Angleyne takes the girder and tried to bend it, grunting loudly, but to no % avail. She finally gives up. Bender: Here, let me help you. % Romantic music starts. Bender takes the girder putting his arms around % Angleyne and make a heart out of it. They look at each other and kiss, % emitting sparks and electrical zapping. % % Later, at the carnival. Bender tries to win at a ball toss game. He keeps % missing. Angleyne becomes sad. Bender then hits the attendant between % the eyes, extends his arms and steals a stuffed pig, along with the % attendant's wallet. They run off. % % Later, they are riding the rowboat. They are at the back of the boat, % hugging. Bender's arms, separated from the body, do the rowing. % % Cut to them riding a tandem bike. Fry catches up to them and starts passing, % riding professor as a scooter (professor is wearing roller skates and the % wheel of his head holder serves as the front wheel). Bender shoves a stick % in the front wheel and Fry and professor crash. Angleyne and Bender finish % first, laughing triumphantly. % % Back at the Planet Express. The crew is at the meeting table. Prof.: My new bent outlook has completely reenergized me. I'm even dating a young Brazilian retired actress. Amy: Wow! Leela: Wow! Zoidberg: Way to go! Prof.: Some say I'm robbing the cradle but I say SHE's robbing the grave. % Bender comes in. It turns out that the crew is not actually sitting at % the table, rather, the table is on the wall and everybody's strapped to % their chairs not to fall down. That's all to accommodate for professor's % new bent outlook. Bender: Howdy, doodies. What's new? [Walks up the wall without effort, making suction cup sounds] Prof.: I was just regaling your former coworkers with a tale of bedroom antics, the likes of which... Bender: Yeah, yeah, big whoop. No one cares. I got Bender-related news. I'm in love. And I'm taking all my friends out to celebrate. % Everybody cheers, unstraps and falls down. Bender just walks down. % % At Elzar's. Elzar: Hey, look at this crowd. You guys got to try the pasta. It's got a real nice profit margin. Bam! So, special occasion tonight? Bender: Oh, Elzar, you'll never guess what's happened. Elzar: Bam? Bender: I've met the most dynamite ladybot. Elzar: Hey, that's terrific. To celebrate, I'm going to stick seven copies of my latest cookbook on your bill. Bender: Bless you, sir. Prof.: So, Bender, tell us about this new girlfriend of yours. Bender: I intend to - through the lost art of the toast. [Gets up] To Angleyne. She's got it all: looks, charm and the love of a fabulous bending robot. Fry: She sure does. [Points somewhere away] % Camera moves showing Flexo and Angleyne at the table, giggling. Bender: Flexo! [Grabs a loaf of bread from the table and tries to break it, grunting loudly] Elzar: Careful, that's a week old. % The bread finally cracks, but Bender's arms fall out of their sockets. % [End of Act Two. Act Time: 5:04 Running Time: 11:50] Bender: I finally meet a nice girl with a pair of legs that don't quit unexpectedly and that jerk Flexo steals her away! It's time to kick some shiny metal ass. [Goes to Flexo and Angleyne's table] You degenerate hussy! I'm disappointed in you, too, Angleyne. Angleyne: Bender, it's, it's not what you think. Bender: Oh, God, then it's worse than I think! Angleyne: Now, look, there is no reason to be upset. Flexo and I are divorced. Bender: Div... huh? Flexo: We're just having dinner 'cause we want to stay friends. Bender: I knew that. What I'm actually outraged by is your choice of wine. Really, it's the steward's fault. [Slaps the steward] Steward: Excellent choice, sir. % Back at Planet Express. Benders walks around restlessly, muttering to % himself. Bender: Flexo... I'll knock him right out... his butt... argh! Zoidberg: Obsessing won't help, Bender. Take a lean back and enjoy life. Bender: I can't. My fembot may be in love with another manbot. Leela: Well, talk to her. Tell her about your feelings in an open and honest way. Fry: Yeah, either that or be a man. % At the Robot Arms apartments. Bender: Okay, I've constructed an elaborate lie. I'll call Angleyne while pretending to be Flexo arrange a date show up disguised as him and catch her two-timing me with myself. Fry: That's thinking like a man. % Bender picks up the phone and dials. Bender: [In a disguised voice] Hello? This is Flexo. % At the Hip Joint. Bender arrives in a taxi. Bender: [Puts ona fake magnetic Flexo beard] Now we'll see who loves whom. [Laughs fiendishly] % Inside. Music plays, robots dance. Angleyne is at the bar. Bender joins % her. Bender: Hey, hot stuff. Angleyne: Hey, Flexo. So, since when do you go to bars on work nights? That's not like you at all. Bender: Nonsense. It's exactly like me, Flexo - the fun-loving love machine fembots love to love. Hey, barkeep. I'll have a fuzzy navel and she'll have the girliest drink in the house. Barman: Two fuzzy navels coming up. Bender: I hope they can make change for a fortune. [Takes out a big wad of cash and throws several bills] % Pan to Robot mafia at the other side of the bar. Mousepad: Yo, get an eye-load of that filthy scab with the beard flashing his filthy scab money. It's an insult to you, boss. Donbot: Yeah, that cash ought to be slush in my fund and kicks in my back. Clamps: I'm greasing up my whosits. Donbot: Whoa, whoa, Clamps, not yet. Let's just keep an eye on him and see if he does it a couple more times. Bender: You're looking good to Flexo tonight. Angleyne: Quit making with the googly eyes. You know that I'm in love with Bender. Bender: Bender? That walking wuss factory? Angleyne: Well, he may be a walking factory but believe me, he is no wuss. Now, look. You and me are through. I told you that when I divorced you. Bender: But going through a divorce together - you can't tell me that didn't bring us closer. Care to dance? Angleyne: You know I love dancing but you always hated it. Bender: In that case it's something I've always wanted to make up to you. % They go dancing. Bender: [To DJ] Hey, Scratchmo! How about dropping me and the lady some rump-rattling beats? [Gives him some cash] Donbot: I had hoped by the second time he flashed his cash my rage would have subsided. Sadly, that has not happened. % Mouse pad hold up a sharpener and Clamps starts sharpening his clamps. % % To Angleyne and Bender, who are dancing. Angleyne: You used to be so inflexible, Flexo. You have really loosened up. Bender: I recently upgraded my funk card. Ohh! Come on! Angleyne: All right! Bender: Come on, now! What's new? Whoa! % His fake beard comes off from such energetic dancing, flies up and lands on % butt of a large fembot. Bender notices it and runs to get it back. Bender: [Takes the beard off the big butt] Eww. Angleyne: Flexo, wh-what's going on? % Bender chuckles nervously, then grabs Angleyne by the waist and tilts her. Angleyne: Oh! [Giggles] Flexo! % The music speeds up. The dancing robots start falling apart, causing robot % parts to rain down. % % Later. A janitor is cleaning up. Bender and Angleyne at the table. Bender: So, the moral of the story is if you want it to stay sunk, tie a weight to it! [Both laugh] Angleyne: Yeah, you always were a kick in the teeth. Bender: Aw, shucks, Thunderbuns. You make me feel like a million volts. Angleyne: [Sighs] Flexo, Flexo, Flexo. I'm starting to remember why I fell for you in the first place. Bender: [Thinking] So, she's falling for Flexo, eh? I'd better seduce her a little more, just to be sure. Angleyne: Well, it's late. I should get home to my trailer. Bender: I'll walk you out. After all, a true gentleman tends to his date's every need. [Offers her a cigar] Tiparillo? % They come out of the bar smoking cigars. Bender: [To valet robot, giving him some cash] Here you are, my lad. Bring the lady's car around in the finest way possible. % Cut to robot mafia looking at him from the car. Mousepad: He's flashing his cash loaf again. Donbot: How many times is that, two or three? Clamps: Three. Donbot: All right, that's the necessary number of times. That scab's going to have a little on-the-job "accident." Mousepad: With all due respect, Donbot, I don't think we should rely on an accident happening. Let's kill him ourselves. [Donbot grumbles] Angleyne: Well, good night. I had a great time. Bender: How about a lift... to your place? Angleyne: What? Bender: Admit it. You felt something for me tonight. And by "me," I mean Flexo. Angleyne: Hey, look, I had fun, but... Bender: But...? Angleyne: But... Bender: Buuuuttt...? Angleyne: [Gasps nervously] But... % She grabs Bender and kisses him. When they stop, Bender's fake beard is % missing. It's on Angleyne's chin. She looks at it. Angleyne: Huh? Bender, you tricked me! Bender: That's right, baby. I ain't your loverboy, Flexo - the guy you love so much. You even love anybody pretending to be him. Angleyne: Well, maybe I love you so much I love you no matter who you're pretending to be. Bender: Oh, how I wish I could believe or understand that. There's only one reasonable course of action now: kill Flexo. [Punches his fist together] Ow! % He jumps into the car and drives off. Angleyne: Nooooo! % At the bending plant, Flexo's bending girders, humming to himself. Bender % runs in and punches him in the back of the head. Flexo: Thanks. I appreciate that. [Laughs] Nah, I'm joshing you. That was quite annoying. Bender: You call yourself divorced? You're making a mockery of one of our oldest institutions. Flexo: What? % They start fighting. % % Above, in the crane control room. Clamps: All right, boss. Give the word and I'll drop this unbendable girder. Clamp, clamp, kabamp! Donbot: Remember, only kill the one with the beard. That other filthy scab, we got nothing against. % The girder with the word "UNBENDABLE" moves over Bender and Flexo's heads. % They are in the heat of a fight. Flexo corners Bender and punches him. % Bender ducks and lands several blows in the body. Then opens the door on % Flexo's body and hits several times inside. Flexo: Ooh, that's low. [Punches Bender back] % Angleyne rushes in. Angleyne: Please, stop! I'm not worth it. Bender: Probably not, but I love you and I'm going to kick his ass till I win you back! % They resume fighting. Flexo starts strangling Bender. Donbot: OK, Clamps. Now. % The Girder drops on Flexo's head. Flexo groans. Angleyne lets out a % shrill scream. Clamps: Ooh, that's got to clamp. % Flexo is shriveled under the girder. Angleyne runs to him and drops to her % knees. Angleyne: Flexo, ar-are you okay? Flexo: Yeah, never better. [Coughs with oil] Nah, I'm yanking your chain. I'm dying. Angleyne: You can't die. Tonight Bender showed me that I love you. Bender: But... I love you. Angleyne: I know, and I care for you, too. But I could never love anyone as much as you made me realize I love Flexo. [Starts sobbing] Bender: But... but... [Sighs] I love you so much, Angleyne. I want you to be happy no matter what. Angleyne: Wh-what are you saying? Bender: I'm saying I've got an unbendable girder to bend. Angleyne: You can't bend that girder. It's unbendable. Bender: Well, I don't know anything about lifting so that just leaves us the one option. % Grabs the girder and strains. It won't give. Bender reaches inside himself % takes out BENDGAY cream. Puts it on his hands and shoulders. Grabs the % girder again. He grunts, oil drops appear on his forehead, his door snaps % off, his antenna explodes and the girder finally bends. Flexo: Thanks, buddy. Another year under that and I'd have been a goner. % Angleyne hugs Bender. Angleyne: I'll always remember this, Bender. [Kisses him, then turns to Flexo] Bender: Me, too. Me, too. Jerk. % Back at Planet Express. Bender is sitting at the table, holding his head. Leela: So Flexo and Angleyne had sex right there on the factory floor? Well, at least you got bending out of your system. Bender: Yes. I won't be up to bending again for a long, long time. Prof.: Perhaps it's your outlook that needs a good bend. A 90-degree bend to a place where happiness is perpendicular to wonderment. Fry: Professor, we're all sick of your upbeat attitude. [Everyone agrees] Amy: I'll say. Zoidberg: Believe it. Prof.: Nonsense. It's just like in the song I wrote: We all need a new angle on life... Leela: Uh! Bender, you've got to help us. Bender: I try to get out but they keep pulling me back in. Prof.: ... wangle a new dangle on life! % Bender rolls up his "sleeves" and bends the professor. Amy: No, Bender, the other way! [The professor is totally folded backwards now] Bender: I like him better this way. Prof.: I'm sad now. Leela: Ah, it's fine. % [End of Act Three. Act Time: 9:56 Running Time: 21:46]
{} Me {oa} Ozan Ayyuce {jd} Jym Dyer {f?} Fraggler? {jk} Joe Klemm {al} Andrew Levine {m} Moon {fp} Fen Phen {zti} Zikron the Insistent
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