============= THE FUTURAMA CHRONICLES ==== EPISODE CAPSULE =============
Official Title: Mars University
Episode Number: 1ACV11� (#11)
First Airdate : Sunday, October 3rd, 1999� (8:30 PM)
Written by��� : J. Stewart Burns
Directed by�� : Bret Haaland
= Additional tidbits =

Opening theme promotion� : Transmitido en
�������������������������� Martian en SAP
Opening theme cartoon��� : "Pig in a Polka"� {jk}
03-Oct-99 Nielsen ranking: 6.7 million viewers� (#54 for the night)
MPAA rating������������� : TV-PG
Length minus commercials : [21:20]
= Foxworld Synopsis =

�� When Fry returns to college to prove he can be just as good of a
�� dropout as he was in the Twentieth Century, Professor Farnsworth
�� surprises him with a dorm roommate, a super-intelligent monkey.
�� Meanwhile Bender, a legend of the robot fraternity Epsilon Rho Rho --
�� "ERR" -- leads a revenge of the robot nerds.

= Minutiae =

�- Fry eats what looks like an amoeba and drinks from a Slurm can.
�� Bender drinks a bottle of LoBrau beer.
�- Fry went directly for Leela's protection after the box started
�� yelping and moving.� {trl}

�- You can see one of Mars' moons in the establishing shot.� (Either
�� Phobos or Deimos.)
�- Outside the frat house is a broken-down hovercar.
�- Inside: A ratty old couch and armchair, dartboard, guitar, fem-bot
�� poster, "ERR" crest, LoBrau Beer ad, unfumigated moosehead, discarded
�� magazines, pizza boxes & beer, MARS U flag.
�- As Bender is being flattered by his ERR buddies, Leela is returning
�� from up a staircase.� What was she doing up there?
�- In 20th-Century Coney Island, two of the prizes at a game booth are a
�� Bart Simpson and Homer Simpson doll.
�- Did anybody notice Fry's killer short-long back at Coney Island?
�� Then again, only I would find that funny ...� =)� {bt}� [Did anybody
�� think it looked like Archie Andrews' haircut, circa 1975?� {jb}]
�- Robot House's midnight panty-raid takes place under the moonlight of
�� another aspherical Martian moon.
�- As Bender and his buddies scan the womens' dorm, if you look closely,
�� you can see one of the ladies drop her towel to the floor.� She's
�� facing the other way, though, and the 'camera' quickly deletes her
�� from its field of vision.
�- Financial Aid Dorm Gag 1: Wooden sign with the name falls off and
�� scares away a goat.
�- Tell me what's wrong with this line: "Pretty nice for a single.� Two
�� desks, two chairs, a couple of beds ... "

�- The contents of Guenter's suitcase are toiletries, a brush and an
�� old-fashioned hairdryer.
�- When Professor Farnsworth explains the inner workings of Guenter's
�� hat, Fry scratches his head like a monkey.
�- A character looking a little like Professor Frink (of The Simpsons)
�� is biking past one of the college buildings.� {jk}� (This same biker
�� appears when Farnsworth mentions Utah.)
�- Look at Dean Vernon's model shipis a 30th Century spacecraft with
�� 16th Century sails!
�- It's funny that Guenter happened to ask Fry at the dining hall if he
�� likes bananas.� Guess what was on Fry's plate at the time!
�- At Parents' Weekend, Fry stuffs a bowlful of pigs-in-a-blanket in his
�� mouth at once.
�- Financial Aid Dorm Gag 2: A brown piece of paper with the name falls
�� off.

�- Financial Aid Dorm Gag 3: The name is written in chalk above the
�� door.� The goat is eating the paper sign.
�- A seagull flies below our heroes as they await Guenter's rescue from
�� the waterfall.
�- Was Matt Groening standing in the crowd at the boat race?� Coulda'
�� sworn I saw his face for a split second ...� {fp}

= Parallels to Science Fiction =

�~ "Mars Attacks"� (1997 Tim Burton movie)
�� - The Martian depicted in the statue on MU's campus resembles the
���� Martian creatures from this movie, and sports similar weaponry.

�~ "The Martian Chronicles"� (Ray Bradbury novel)
�� - This was a science fiction novel from the early 50's that tells the
���� tale of man conquering and inhabiting Mars.� The idea of the planet
���� being terra-formed with lush jungles was explored here, and it
���� probably wasn't intentional, but the line "Not even if you were the
���� last man on Mars!" parallels part of the novel.� (I won't give the
���� whole thing away ... I'd like a few people to read it.)� It's also
���� worth mentioning that one of the Martian colonies in the book is
���� named "New New York."

= Other References =

�~ "Archie"� (cartoon)
�� - Early-90s Fry's hair looks like 1970s Archie Andrews'.� {jb}

�+ "Animal House"� (movie)� [And I thought "Titanic" was overdoing it!]
�� - Mars University Motto "Knowledge Bring Fear," from Faber College's
���� "Knowledge Is Good."� {ak}
�� - Similar Statues, though Faber's was not on a horse.� {ak}
�� - Similar music at beginning.� {ak}
�� - The house is nearly identical, with the junked car, old metal
���� drums, patio furniture, spool table, broken roof and hanging crest.
���� {ak}
�� - Fatbot is a direct take-off of Flounder.� He wears the same beany
���� as Flounder did in the beginning of Animal House.� He uses the
���� quotes "Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!" and "This is gonna be great!" in
���� the same voice.� In the end scene, his freeze frame is identical
���� with Flounder's.� {ak}
�� - The continuous track of "Louie, Louie," and the panty raid.� {rc2}
�� - Similar music during the night time scene.� Bender shuffles his
���� feet like Bluto.� {ak}
�� - John Belushi's character puts a ladder up to the window to peek in
���� on the coeds clad only in their panties (and bras when it ran on
���� TV).� {bb}
�� - The ladder stunt is done in Animal House, but is knocked over by,
���� uh, a different kind of extention.� {ak}
�� - Snooty House is like the rival frat in Animal House, what with the
���� snootyness and the pipe-smoking.� Though that might also be a
���� reference to P.C.U.� {ak}
�� - One of the frat guys name is named Meiderneyer, which is similar to
���� Neidermeyer.� {hl}
�� - Dean Vernon is a takeoff Dean Wormer,who's first name is Vernon,
���� and was played by John Vernon.� He gives a similar list of Frat
���� offenses.� In Animal House, Wormer puts Delta on double secret
���� probation.� {ak}
�� - Bender acts like John Belushi, crushing a beer keg on his head.
���� {hl}
�� - Song "Shout!" plays at the end.� {hl}
�� - The ending with a parade is from Animal House, as is the cake-
���� shaped float, and the freeze-frame and captions saying what
���� happened to the characters in the future.� {ak}

�~ "Big Guy and Rusty"� (cartoon)
�� - This Fox Kids Saturday Morning cartoon features a talking monkey
���� (voiced by Kathy Kinney of "The Drew Carey Show") that looks and
���� sounds much like Guenter.� {jb}

�~ "Dilbert"� (comic strip)
�� - Like Fry, Dilbert must deal with a super-smart monkey called Zimbu
���� at his office.� Zimbu, like Guenter, appears to be smarter and more
���� competent than Dilbert.� {sam}

�+ "Good Will Hunting"� (movie)
�� - I belive that the scene where Guenter gets the girl's number, holds
���� it up against the window of the cafe and shouts� "How do you like
���� them bananas" is a parody, tibute or what ever to the film.� {jr4}
�� - Matt Damon get's the girl's phone number and holds it up to window
���� and says "Do you like apples?� I got her number, how do you like
���� them apples!"� {jl4}

�~ "The Paper Chase"� (70's movie/TV show)
�� - The professor who teaches the 20th-Century history class is drawn,
��� �and voiced like, John Houseman.� {dbc}

�~ "Race for your life, Charlie Brown"� (Peanuts movie)� {jph}
�� - Charlie Brown and the gang rafted down the river in competition
���� with a team that cheated at every move.� In the end, Snoopy won.
���� {jb}

�~ "School of Hard Knockers"� (movie)
�� - Dean Vernon sounded exactly like Dean Bitterman!� {mm}

�+ "Up the Creek"� (movie)
�� - Another forgettable 1980s frat movie in which the climactic event
���� is a raft race in which every house cheats like mad.� {dbc}

= Freeze Frame Fanaticism =

>> Signs / Locations

�� Knowledge Brings Fear

�- SOCRATES - VOS SAVANT - COGNITRON� {da}�� (See "Final
��������������������� ������������������������Thoughts / Comments.")

�-� WONG
�� library

�� Disc One������ Disc Two

�- Notice of Failure
���� to Graduate

��� [ferris wheel]

������� CICC


��� [A-L]� [M-Y]� [Z]



����� HALL



>> At the carnival� {jb}

�- The Ferris wheel has a very hard-to-read title, and this is my best
�� guess:




�� THIS TALL TO�� \|
�� ENROLL�������� | |

>> Fry's classmates


>> Chrissy's textbook & phone number

���� 101

�- Chrissy
�� 789-3629

�� (The people on <alt.tv.futurama> had something else to say about this
��� ... see "Final Thoughts / Comments.")

>> Farnsworth's lesson� (again, very hard to read)� {jb}

�� --------------

������ C
������� \_���������������������������� ...................
��� P - /_/\� Wd������� Q������������ .� NEUTRON ENHANCED .
������� \ \ \________/|�������������� .�� STEAMING HOT��� .
�������� \������ /\�� |--������������ .��� DARK MATTER��� .
�������� |��� ___\/__|�� --����������� ...................
�������� / / /�� | |\ \��� --
�������� |_|_|�� |_||_|����� - V
������������������������������� C

������ e^2+p -> (?) + v
������ ����������__�������������������������� __
�� (Omega)y= (?) | / re \�� < (Omega)2 Wd >^2�� | "Superdupersquirmetric
������������ [+] | | -- | + ------------------� |��� Steaks Theory"
���������������� |_\93er/������� (z+1)^y����� __|

>> The test� {jb}

� �Almost all of it is illegible, but there is one thing that can be
�� seen on the last part of question 2:

������ OJ Simpson steal?

>> Snooty House's boat

�- S.S. Von Snoot

= Goofs =

�- Why would someone need to go to college if they already had permanent
�� career chips installed?� {zb}
�- Why did Fry already have some books with him when he came across
�� Coney Island College?� If he was a student at another school at the
�� time, he'd have either dropped out or graduated from that one, which
�� makes no sense.� (This is assuming Fry would have no other reason to
�� carry books with him -- which he wouldn't unless he was holding them
�� for his girlfriend or something.)
�- Fry shouldn't be able to enroll if, by 31st-Century academic
�� standards, he hasn't acheived a high-school diploma.
�- When Bender and the other ERRers got on the ladder, they were not on
�� the top when it started going up, but they were at the top when it
� �stopped.� {ddg}� [With a panty-raid ladder in the 30th century, only
�� the rungs move.� {jlm}]

�- Guenter's note paper disappears from his desk as he explains the
�� television.
�- According to the Instructor's seating chart, there is someone sitting
� �to Fry's right, but there isn't.� (And there can't be, with only
�� twelve people in the class and Amy not being the furthest seat to the
�� left.)
�- The word is "dodectuple," not "dodecatuple."� (That would be like
�� saying "pentatuple" instead of "quintuple.")� {ddg}
�- Although Guenter says that monkeys can't cry, one can distinctly see
�� a tear in his eyes around the beginning of his lamentations to Fry
�� and Leela.� {sam}

�- How could Guenter have handed in a paper smeared with feces?� We saw
�� him at all the final moments before he ran away.
�- Robot House's boat magically reinflates itself.
�- While Bender water-skis behind his team's boat, in the close-up of
�� Gearshift in the back of the boat, his rope disappears.

= Extended Goofs / Technical Nitpicks =

>> There Will Come Complaints

Jerry Cornelius:� Well ... I was a little disappointed.� Mars doesn't
�� have has much gravitational pull as the Earth here and I didn't see
�� anyone walking around with a lighter, bouncier step.� Ruined
�� everything for me.� [Sarcasm� -ed]

Brent Allison:� Perhaps, in the process of the terra-formation of Mars,
�� an electomagnetic field was added to the planetary core.� In the
�� process, Mars Customs demands that all visitors, residents and
�� illegal humans wear magnetic strips on the soles of their shoes.
�� It's the only way I can think of to explain the tacky theme park
�� on the moon as well.

Dave Antonoff:� Density?� Aha!� That's why they weren't bouncing around
�� on Mars.� Its density was increased so the gravitational pull would
�� match that of Earth!� ... so what's sarcasm?

Mike Zaite:� I'd say they inject Dark Matter into the core of the planet
�� to increase it's gravitational field as part of its terra-forming.
�� The moon probably just used Artificial Gravity.

= Reviews =

Jason Barrera:� This might actually be the tamest episode to date,
�� garnering only a TV-PG (The Simpsons even gets a TV-PG-D usually).
�� Nevertheless, it was great, if not the greatest.� Fry and Guenter
�� were hilarious in their petty rivalry, as was Farnsworth's general
�� senility.� The only thing it lacked was the irony present in a lot of
�� the best episodes of "The Simpsons" -- the nerds of Robot House ask
�� Bender to teach them how to be cool without a trace of irony in that
�� cliched message.� The new musical score that Christopher Tyng seems
�� to have adopted worked well for a change of pace.� (A-)

Haynes Lee:� This had two subplots in it and Guenter was a bit weak.� It
�� should have been more of the Robot Frat.� (B-)

Patrick McGovern:� _That sucked_.� Every single Futurama was gold up
�� until this tragedy.� Fry's plot sucked, the characterization was way
�� off, but that was nothing compared to the "Animal House" parody.
�� Why, Matt, why?!� All it amounted to was a bunch of boring, lame,
�� immature jokes with coincidence wrapped around it.� After a good
�� opener, it looks like Futurama has finally hit a bump.� I don't think
�� it will be commonplace, but it still sucked.� (D)

Yours Truly:� I agree this may have been one of the corniest Futurama
�� episodes to date, but let's not go nuts ... it still did a great job
�� at tying some standard story with some heavy science fiction ideas.
�� Bender's plot was funny, but I wish he'd have some more interaction
�� with the crew itself this season.� Guenter's story was an interesting
�� idea, but was full of holes and pathos that didn't quite make sense,
�� and became preachy near the end.� All the elements of a fine episode
�� were there, but the final product was quirky and didn't really work
�� well.� (C+)

Average Grade:� [27/4=6.75]� (C+)
= Final Thoughts / Comments =

>> Trivial Title Sequence Minutiae

Jason Barrera:� The opening music seemed to be gleaned from a different
�� portion from the same piece of music by Christopher Tyng, and then
�� spliced down to fit into the opening sequence.

>> No transmitido en HTML en SAP

According to Brian Tivol, the abbreviation 'SAP' stands for:� Second
�� Audio Programming.� It strikes me as being very useless, but
�� apparently, when they were revamping the broadcast signal to include
�� something like stereo sound, they wound up with extra room for this
�� feature.

�� Newer TVs have the option to listen to the SAP track instead of the
�� normal sound track.� Many syndicated TV shows let you switch to hear
�� the show in Spanish -- but that's not what the "S" in "SAP" stands
�� for.� Many PBS shows use the SAP to have a narrator describe the
�� scene for any blind audience members.� A vast majority of the shows
�� don't use it at all, and leave the SAP as a copy of the normal
�� soundtrack.

�� Anyone actually check to see what the SAP for that episode actually
�� was?

Nicol�s Di Candia:� SAP is very useful in non-English speaking
�� countries, where the shows are (usually) broadcast in the local
�� language, and the SAP hosts the original versions.� In the case of
�� Futurama (and also The Simpsons) it's the only way to watch the show
�� without the _awful_ Spanish dubbing.

�� There's an episode of Friends that parodies the dubbed versions /
�� SAP.� It's "The One With Two Parts," from the first season, and its
�� tag features the characters speaking dubbed Spanish.� It was also
�� parodied in "Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me."

�� BTW, Martian in Spanish is "marciano."

>> Knowledge brings fear ... especially in the form of lengthy capsules

Adam King:� Mars University's motto "Knowledge Bring Fear" is from Faber
�� College's [of "Animal House"] "Knowledge Is Good."

The Mars University motto brings to mind the entrance to a WWII German
�� concentration camp (Dachau) that's been depicted in old art and
�� photography.� The sign over the entrance gate was written in a
�� similar style and spelled the German phrase "Arbeit Macht Frei,"
�� which means "Work Brings Freedom."� You can read more about it here:
�� <http://www.charm.net/~rbennett/TheDachauGate.html>.

>> You mean you've never been?

Rick Carlson:� The line about the 20th Century having no clue that Mars
�� had a University is an inside joke to the internet community at
�� large.� Mars University has it's own internet address domain
�� reserved.� Click on the following link to get the full story:
�� <http://oac3.hsc.uth.tmc.edu/staff/snewton/tcp-tutorial/sec7.html>

�� I've been on the 'net for years, being a Unix programmer for almost
�� 17 years now.� I was expecting a reference, and I was not
�� disappointed.

�� One of the sources is:� "Details about Internet addresses: subnets
�� and broadcasting" Copyright (C) 1987, Charles L. Hedrick.� Anyone may
�� reproduce this document, in whole or in part, provided that: (1) any
�� copy or republication of the entire document must show Rutgers
�� University as the source, and must include this notice; and (2) any
�� other use of this material must reference this manual and Rutgers
�� University, and the fact that the material is copyright by Charles
�� Hedrick and is used by permission.

�� Because 0 and 255 are used for unknown and broadcast addresses,
�� normal hosts should never be given addresses containing 0 or 255.
�� Addresses should never begin with 0, 127, or any number above 223.
�� Addresses violating these rules are sometimes referred to as
�� "Martians", because of rumors that the Central University of Mars is
�� using network 225.

>> The boorish manners of an Earthling

Steven Aaron Monroe:� Mars University was founded in 2636, exactly 1000
�� years after Harvard University was founded (1636), further suggesting
�� a similarity between the two universities (i.e., both are very old
�� and very prestigious schools, and were both founded (presumably) in a
�� colony early after its permanent settlement).


Jonathan S. Haas:� Presumably everyone knows who Socrates was. "Vos
�� Savant" is a reference to Marilyn Vos Savant, the world's alleged
�� (and self-described) smartest human.� She writes a column for some
�� publication or other, and has made several errors in it.� Those
�� errors have been pounced on by people annoyed at the smarminess
�� inherent in calling yourself the world's smartest human.
�� "Cognitron", I'm guessing, refers to a robot or other thinking
�� machine that lived sometime between 2000 and 2999.

Matt O'Connell:� I remember seeing this video tape in computer-science
�� class in high school a few years back ... they had this� computer
�� that, instead of doing the 1's and 0's thing, worked via the
�� recognition of patterns ... the government wanted to use it for
�� finding snipers in crowds or some such.� I believe it was called a
�� cognitron ...

>> "Heavy Metal" char at Mars U. ... sort of

Michael Morbius:� At the end of the "Z" line at the registrar's office,
�� there's a guy with a purple head, a white shirt, an orange down vest
�� and brown boots who reminded me of Harold Ramis's character in "Heavy
�� Metal" (the alien that did huge lines of "nyborg" and then said he
�� knew how to drive stoned).

>> Mathematics of Quantum Neutrino Fields for Dummies

Steven Aaron Monroe:� The professor mentions the "mathematics of quantum
�� neutrino fields."� Although he made it up, it seems (to me, at least)
�� to be a possible subject which studies how neutrinos are released
�� from particles.� It doesn't sound very interesting, though.

�� Professor Farnsworth mentioned the "taste" of an electron.� Although
�� it would be easy to dismiss this as a ridiculous joke, we should
�� remember that physicists have applied some interesting qualities and
�� names to quarks, the subatomic particles that create hadrons (i.e.,
�� protons, neutrons, mesons, etc.), including "flavor," "color,"
�� "charmed quarks," "strange quarks," etc.� It is possible that "taste"
�� could be some new aspect of subatomic particles that we have not yet
�� discovered.� (NOTE: in this case, "taste" is not meant in the normal
�� sense)

�� I'd like to make a comment: any scientific inconsistencies that can
�� be found in "Futurama" may be rationalized and explained by two
�� ideas:

���� 1. Most of the scientific explanations come from Farnsworth.� Any
������� mistakes can be blamed on his senility.

���� 2. Matt Groening has artistic license and can bend the�� laws of
������� physics, chemistry, biology and reality in general to make a
������� point (or a joke).

>> To ERR is robot

Haynes Lee:� The Greek capital "rho" (equivalent to "R") actually looks
�� like the letter "P" in our Roman alphabet.� The frat letters should
�� be "EPP," but this is less funny.

Daniel B. Case:� I also like that Robot House's letters �- Epsilon Rho
�� Rho -� spell out "ERR," as in "error."

Brian Tivol:� As long as we've had the "What does a capital rho really
�� look like?" discussion elsewhere in the group, I don't mind saying
�� that the sixth "digit" [of Chrissy's phone number] is a lowercase
�� lambda.� [Fen Phen recognizes it as "the Greek letter used in Half-
�� Life."]

Although people may say the number looks like none of the 10 digits
�� we're used to, and therefore must be something more obscure, like a
�� lambada, I still maintain that it's a hastily drawn "2."� Who has the
�� nerve to actually ask a producer?� <g>

>> Do you think you could be a little _less_ evil than that?

Ceci M.:� In "Mars University," I think you see another side of
�� Professor Farnsworth.� It seems like he's not the "absent-minded
�� professor" type anymore -- especially with the way he treated Guenter
�� during the show.� He seemed more like a villain.� What does everyone
�� else think about this change?

Jason Barrera:� Farnsworth has always been sort of a stereotype of the
�� "mad scientist"-types in sci-fi cinema.� He's always been something
�� of a sadist, especially with sending OFC on some dangerous mission
�� every week.

Baron Calamity:� From the first episode we knew that [he] has a habit of
�� going through crew members.� We are talking about a society that
�� doesn't value life much.� So he is probably as good natured as anyone
�� can be.� He at least he gave them a _job_.

Mike Zaite:� Am I the only one who thought Leela and Fry seemed badly
�� portrayed in this episode?� Was it written by a new writer or
�� something?� [No, it wasn't.� -ed]� They sort of seemed to be there
�� just to take up space and to bounce a few jokes off of.� Anyone's
�� thought's on this?

Jason Barrera:� I thought so too -- this episode had a lot less
�� substance and depth to the characters than last week's.

Ceci M.:� Maybe the reason why is that it was supposed to introduce
�� another aspect of the year 3000 we haven't seen.� In past episodes,
�� life on Mars has been talked about between certain characters.� And
�� of course, Mars University has always been evoked from time to time
�� throughout the show.� But we haven't seen what these places were like
�� until this week's episode.� So, I tend to see it as another way to
�� set up future plotlines to add to the panorama of Futurama's world
�� within the program.

�� So, the main characters might figure into the plot ... but not in the
�� conventional way we're used to seeing them.

>> "Can't talk -- thinking about Amy."

Don Del Grande:� According to the end, Fry dropped out and went back to
�� his job -- but what about Amy?� Did she drop out as well?� Maybe the
�� university gave her a degree in exchange for yet another Wong
�� contribution?

Benjamin Robinson:� To borrow the term used be the computer-standards
�� committees, Amy's behavior is not defined.� That is, she might have
�� dropped out, she might have graduated magna cum laude, or something
�� else might have happened [*].� Whatever it was, the writers didn't
�� feel it was important or funny enough to show.

�� Personally, I think Amy will be a MU student for some time.� She's an
�� engineering intern, after all, and this gives her an excuse to be on
�� the PX crew.� It also explains why she might be _absent_ from a
�� mission, like the one to Vergon 6: we can just assume she had a class
�� that day.

�� [*] "Up to and including World War III."

>> Last, and probably least ...

Adam King:� A little aside, if a statue of a person is on a horse with
�� both feet up, he died in a war, if one foot, he died from wounds
�� gotten in a war, and all feet down, he died of something else.

Jason Barrera:� The Macintosh-ish computer in the robot "panty raid" is
�� outdated even by today's standards.� No wonder it keeps crashing.
�� (Naughty, naughty computer!)

Mike Zaite:� I thought that was wrong.� I always thought it was a comedy
�� convention that talking monkeys speak in a British accent.� Or is
�� that just for Chimpanzees?

Jason Barrera:� Both the 10/3/1999 episodes of "The Simpsons" and
�� "Futurama" had instances of characters being subjected to electric
�� shocks.� Matt Groening must think they're funny.

Joe Klemm:� Lite-Brite is a toy created by Hasbro.� Kids make pictures
�� and signs by placing colored pegs in a screen.� To make the toy even
�� neater, you can plug [it in and] turn on a light that makes the pegs
�� light up.

Bender and his buddies sure have their work cut out for them if they
�� expect to take a road trip to Tiajuana from Mars.

Don Del Grande:� They never show Kappa Kappa Wong sorority.

= Fun Stuff =

>> References to Previous Episodes

�� - [1ACV01] Fry reduced to screaming at the push of a button
������������� (Probulator cf., Classroom)
�� - [1ACV03] Fry: "Booooring!" cf., Amy: "Booooring!"
�� - [1ACV03] Fry eats an amoeba� (?)
�� - [1ACV03] Fry is roommates with a non-human
�� - [1ACV04] Creature with a ferocious appetite� (Nibbler cf., Fat-Bot)
�� - [1ACV10] Leo and Inez first appear
�� - [1ACV10] Bender operates underwater

>> Fan-made Alternate Titles for this Episode

�� "I, Primate"
�� "Mechanical House"� {hl}
�� "The Ape in the Hat"

= Voice Credits =

>> Starring

�� Billy West ........................ Farnsworth, Fry, Gearshift, Carny
�� ��������������������������������������������Operator, Instructor, Leo
�� Katey Sagal ................................................... Leela
�� John DiMaggio ................... Bender, Oily, Carny Professor, Chet

>> Guest Starring

�� Tress MacNielle ............................. Guenter, Intercom voice
�� Dave Herman ....................... Fat-Bot, Meiderneyer, Dean Vernon
�� Lauren Tom ............................................. Amy, Chrissy

= Quotes and Scene Summaries =

% Daytime in the Planet Express office, with Leela, Fry and Bender at
% the table.� Professor Farnsworth enters, handling a large, wooden
% crate.

�� Prof.: Good news, everyone!� You've got a very special delivery
��������� today.
���� Fry: Who's it going to?
�� Prof.: Me.
� Bender: [proudly]� Well ... another job well-done.
�� Prof.: No, I need it shipped to my office at Mars University.� It's a
��������� little experiment that may well win me the nobel prize.
�� Leela: In what field?
�� Prof.: I don't care.� They all pay the same.
���� Fry: [inspects it]� Is it dangerous?
�� Prof.: Oh, my, no.

% The box shakes violently to life, while whatever is inside grunts and
% growls and rumbles.� Fry scrambles behind Leela for protection, and
% Professor Farnsworth shoots a tranquilizer dart through one of the
% crate's air-holes.� He turns back to the others:� "Off we go."

% End of Act One� (0:37)

% Next stop: Mars.� Mars University.� With the ship landed safely behind
% them, Fry, Bender, Leela and Farnsworth wander the campus grounds.

��� Fry: Very impressive.� Back in the 20th Century we had no idea there
�������� was a university on Mars.
� Prof.: Well, in those days Mars was just a dreary, uninhabitable
�������� wasteland, much like Utah.� But unlike Utah it was eventually
����� ���made livable when the University was founded in 2636.
� Leela: They planted traditional college foliage.� Ivy ... trees ...
�������� hemp ... soon the whole planet was terra-formed!
��� Fry: Does that mean it's safe to breathe the air?
� Prof.: Of course!

% At that moment, Fry's breathing becomes awkward and strained, and he
% stops to take a few hoarse gasps.� Afterwards, Farnsworth shows them
% "Wong Library," which has the largest collection of literature in the
% known universe.� (As seen through a window, its cavernous interior
% houses nothing but two compact discs, labelled 'Fiction' and 'Non
% Fiction.')� As Fry inspects the library, Bender recognizes a run-down
% frat house.

� Bender: Hey, look, there's a chapter of my old robot fraternity,
�� �������Epsilon Rho Rho.
�� Leela: _You_ went to college?
� Bender: Of course.� I'm a bender ... I went to Bending college.� I
��������� majored in 'bending.'
���� Fry: What was your minor?
� Bender: Robo-American studies.

% They knock on the door to the house and it's answered by a scrawny-
% looking robot.� He asks if they're here to fumigate the moose-head,
% but Bender explains that he's an Epsilon from way-back.� After the two
% exchange a rigorous secret handshake, Bender returns his partner's
% finger, and the crew is let inside.� To Bender's dismay, though, the
% other members are at a table playing chess.

���� Bender: Uh-oh!� Nerds.
� Gearshift: [same robot]� Allow me to introduce myself.� I'm Gearshift,
������������ chapter president.� This is Oily, and this here is Fat-Bot.
���� Bender: You're all losers.� My name's Bender.
�������������� [they all gasp]
������ Oily: Bender from 'Bending State' Bender?!� Wow, you're a legend
������������ around here!
��� Fat-Bot: I heard that in one single night you drank a whole keg,
������������ streaked across campus and crammed 58 humans into a phone
������������ booth!
���� Bender: [modest]� Yeah, well, a lot of 'em were children ...
������������ anyway, I should get going.
� Gearshift: No, Bender, wait!� We're the lamest frat on campus.� Even
������������ Hillel has better parties than us.� Please, you've gotta
������������ stay and teach us how to be cool.
���� Bender: [thinks]� Well, okay.� ... but I'll need _ten_ kegs of
������������ beer, a continuous tape of Louie-Louie and a regulation
������������ two-story panty-raid ladder.
��� Fat-Bot: Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

% Later, Fry, Leela and Farnsworth are walking further into the scenic
% campus grounds.� Fry says the atmosphere makes him reminisce about his
% old college days ... we flash back to a 20th-Century Coney Island,
% where Fry is a few years younger, carrying a walkman and a some
% schoolbooks, and runs into a booth labelled "Coney Island Community
% College."� (The man at the booth wears a gown and mortarboard and
% gestures for his audience to come and learn physics.)� Fry shrugs and
% enters the booth, and we flash back to the present.

��� Fry: Good old Coney Island College!� Go Whitefish!
� Leela: Don't take this the wrong way, Fry, but you don't seem like the
�������� 'educated' type.
��� Fry: Oh, yeah?� [he unfolds a piece of paper from his pocket]� Read
�������� it and weep -- I'm a certified college drop-out!
� Leela: Please, everyone knows 20th-Century colleges were basically
�������� expensive day-care centers.
� Prof.: That's true.� By current academic standards, you're merely a
�������� high-school drop-out.
��� Fry: What?!� That's not fair.� I deserve the same respect any other
�������� college drop-out gets.� By God, I'm gonna enroll here at Mars
�������� University and drop out all over again.
� Leela: You won't last two weeks.
��� Fry: Aww, thanks for believing in me.

% At the enrollment lobby, two lines are formed behind the signs "A-L"
% and "M-Y" ... and another one at "Z," populated by aliens.� Fry is
% greeted by Amy, who has been at the University this whole time.

��� Amy: Yo, classmate, what'cha taking?
��� Fry: Oh, I don't know ... [to Farnsworth]� Hey, Professor, what're
�������� you teaching this semester?
� Prof.: The same thing I teach every semester ... the Mathematics of
�������� Quantum Neutrino Fields.� I made up the title so that no
�������� student would dare take it.
��� Fry: [writing in his notebook]� "Mathematics of wanton-burrido
�������� meals."� I'll be there!
��Prof.: Please, Fry, I don't know how to teach ... I'm a professor!
��� Fry: See you in class!
� Prof.: [frustrated]� Oh ...

% Nighttime.� As the campus sleeps, Bender sneaks out from behind a
% building next to the ladies' dorm and gestures for his buddies to
% follow.� Some upbeat music accompanies their tip-toing across the
% field, and they gather around a ladder reaching for the top window.
% They climb onto the ladder, its motor starts to lift them upwards, and
% they chuckle with anticipation.� Through the window, they see half a
% dozen girls clad in either lingerie or towels, but they look past all
% that to an old-fashioned Macintosh computer that's sitting on a desk
% in the corner.

% The girl sitting at the computer looks frustrated, hits the computer
% twice (prompting Bender to remark "someone's been a bad computer"),
% and then yanks the front casing off.� The boys all hoot and holler
% from outside the window, until Bender's eyes zoom out uncontrollably,
% pushing against the glass, and knocking all three backwards through
% the roof of a small building below them.� The occupants of a nearby
% dorm labelled "Snooty House" rush out to see the commotion.� (Two of
% them are named Chet and Meiderneyer.)

�������� Chet: I say!� You've damaged our servants' quarters ... and our
�������������� servants.
� Meiderneyer: This time Robot House has gone too far!
������ Bender: Cheeze it!

% The four robots scramble away.� Meanwhile, Fry and Leela are in the
% Financial Aid Dorm, inspecting Fry's new living quarters for the first
% time.

��� Fry: [grunts approvingly]� Pretty nice for a single.� Two desks, two
�������� chairs, a couple 'a beds.� [someone knocks on the door]� A
�������� woodpecker ...
� Leela: I think that's probably your roommate.
��� Fry: Oh, right.� [answers the door]� Come on in, roomie!

% Nobody's there.� ... that's what Fry thinks until he looks at the
% floor and sees a monkey wearing a black hat and carrying a suitcase.
% The monkey yells "I call top bunk!" in a high, smarmy voice, then
% climbs over Fry's face and pounces onto his bed.� Fry spits in disgust
% while the monkey sighs in satisfaction.

% End of Act Two� (5:25)

% Back at the Financial Aid Dorm, Fry, Leela and the monkey are exactly
% where we left them.� The monkey, sitting on his top bunk, is beginning
% to unpack his suitcase.

����� Fry: My roommate's a _monkey_?
�� Monkey: Brilliant deduction.� You're a credit to your species.
������������ [Farnsworth enters with his wooden crate]
��� Prof.: Ah!� Fry, I see you've met Guenter.
����� Fry: You _know_ each other?
��� Prof.: Guenter was my experiment.� He was the top-secret contents of
���������� this stinking crate.
� Guenter: I'd rather live in a crate than share a room with this dork.
��� Leela: So what makes Guenter talk?
����� Fry: [fanciful]� Is he genetically engineered?
��� Prof.: Oh, please.� That's preposterous science fiction mumbo jumbo.
���������� Guenter's intelligence actually lies in his electronium hat,
���������� which harnesses the power of sunspots to produce cognitive
���������� radiation.
������������ [Fry scratches his head in confusion]
� Guenter: You're wasting your breath, Professor.� He'll never
���������� understand a word of it.
����� Fry: [grasping at Guenter]� I understood the word "hat."
�� �Prof.: Please, stop bickering.� I arranged that you two be roommates
���������� for a reason ... so I'd only have to remember one phone
���������� number.� Now shake hands and make up.
������������ [they do so]
����� Fry: [to Guenter]� You want a banana?
� Guenter: I don't eat bananas.� I prefer banana-flavored energy bars
���������� made from tofu.
����� Fry: [glares]� I don't like you.

% The next morning, Fry, Guenter and Amy have their first class
% together.� The subject is 20th Century History, tought by a cranky,
% middle-aged man, who writes the class' title on the board (which
% converts his handwriting to text at the push of a button) and then
% takes to the podium.

�������� Fry: [chuckles]� This is going to be a cakewalk.
� Instructor: Welcome to the history of the 20th Century.� Look to your
������������� left, then to your right, then in nine other directions.
������������� One of the 12 of you will not pass this class.
�������� Amy: [yawns]� Boo-ring.� Let's hear about Walter Mondale
�������� �����already.
� Instructor: Be forewarned ... the only sure way to get an "A" in this
������������� class is to have lived in the 20th Century.

% Fry makes a "swish" motion with his hands, which irritates the
% Instructor ... he searches for Fry's name on a row of buttons in front
% of him.� He pushes the button, and Fry receives a jolt of electricity.

� Instructor: You were saying, Mr. Fry?
�������� Fry: I'm from the 20th Century.� Go ahead ... ask me anything.
� Instructor: Very well.� What device invented in the 20th Century
������������� allowed people to view broadcast programs in their own
������������� homes?
�������� Fry: Oh, I know this.� Whad do you call it?� ... Lite Brite!
��������������� [Fry receives another jolt -- Guenter raises his hand]
���� Guenter: [scoffing chuckle]� I believe the answer is the
������������� television.
� Instructor: Very good, Mr. Guenter.
�������� Amy: Wow.� Smart _and_ cute.

% Inside Mentholyptus Hall, Dean Vernon is concentrating on building a
% model ship.

�� Vernon: What I love about being Dean of Students is the peace and
���������� quiet and the respect I recieve.� [his intercom buzzes]� Now,
���������� what's all this about?
��� Voice: Dean Vernon, the students from Robot House are here.
�� Vernon: [vengeful -- to himself]� Robot House ...
������������ [Bender, Gearshift, Oily and Fat-Bot enter]
�� Bender: Hey, Dean.� Nice looking model.
�� Vernon: You keep away from it!� You robots are a disgrace to this
���������� university.� Whenever a fire alarm is pulled it's Robot
���������� House.� Whenever the campus liquor store is looted, Robot
���������� House.� Whenever a human corpse is desecrated ...
�� Bender: Now, I can explain that.
�� Vernon: That's enough out of you.� From this day forth� Robot House
������� ���is under dodeca-tuple secret probation.
�� Bender: No fair!
� Fat-Bot: My mom is going to kill me.
�� Vernon: Now, if you'll excuse me I have to get back to the one thing
���������� that's kept me sane these past eight years.� My model ship.

% ... but the ship is gone!� Bender and his buddies yell at Fat-Bot to
% quit eating it, but it's too late.� He excuses himself: "When I get
% nervous, I get hungry."� Dean Vernon scowls, Bender yells at them to
% cheeze it, and as they scramble out the front door of the building,
% you can hear Dean Vernon's cries of "Robot House!" echo through the
% campus.� Meanwhile, Fry is in a restaurant booth across from a young
% girl (who seems to not enjoy his company).

����� Fry: So, Chrissy, we seem to be hitting it off.� If you're not
���������� doing anything later might I escort you to a kegger?
� Chrissy: Not even if you were the last man on Mars.

% Chrissy slams her book closed and gets up to leave the restaurant.
% When Fry recovers from his few moments of shock, he looks out the
% window and sees Chrissy writing on a napkin, then handing it to
% Guenter.� She backs away shyly, giggling, and Guenter turns to Fry
% through the window.� "Hey, you like bananas?� [slams her napkin
% against the window]� I got her number.� How do you like _them_
% bananas?"� Guenter walks off, and Fry stammers with anger.� He later
% enters a classroom where Professor Farnsworth is at the chalkboard
% lecturing to rows of empty seats about electrons.

� Prof.: And therefore, by process of elimination, the electron must
�������� taste like grape-ade.
���������� [he sees Fry coming in the door]
��� Fry: Sorry.� I overslept.
� Prof.: Till 5:00 PM?
��� Fry: It's that obnoxious monkey.� He kept me up all night with his
�������� constant thinking.� Just thinking and thinking.� He's trying to
�������� make me look like an idiot.
� Prof.: Don't be jealous.� Without his special hat Guenter might be no
�������� more intelligent than you.
��� Fry: Oh!� I hate that rodent.
� Prof.: Fry, that monkey is my most important experiment.� If you two
�������� don't stop fighting I'll have you both neutered.
��� Fry: [chuckles]� That'll show 'im.

% It's Parents' Weekend, according to the sign in the Dean's elegantly
% decorated den, complete with a live classical orchestra and
% refreshments.� As groups mingle, Amy is introducing her parents to the
% Dean himself.

����� Amy: Dean Vernon, I'd like you to meet my parents, Leo and Inez.
�� Vernon: Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Wong.� I'm so glad we can admit Amy in
���������� exchange for your generous contribution.
����� Leo: How much more for Phi Beta Kappa?
�� Vernon: How much you got?
������������ [Guenter approaches Fry by the punch bowl]
� Guenter: Sorry I'm late.� I was off at a study session ... with
���������� Chrissy.
������������ [Fry glares at him]
��� Prof.: Oh, I'm glad you made it, Guenter.� Because in honor of
���������� parents' weekend I have a special surprise for you.

% Farnsworth pulls the sheets off of a cage containing two wild, hooting
% monkeys.� Guenter recognizes them as his parents, and is immediately
% humiliated by them.� Fry, on the other hand, appreciates the animals
% by throwing some bananas to them and then letting them out of their
% cage.� They cause a ruckus, turning over food-bowls and flinging [a
% substance] at people.� As Fry badgers him to join his parents in
% swinging from the chandelier, Guenter merely runs off with his face in
% his hands.� Meanwhile, Bender and his buddies are watching the party
% wind down from the side wall, and Bender suggests they take a road
% trip to Tiajuana to get Fat-Bot some action.� Fat-Bot, nervous,
% devours a large portrait of the Dean that was hanging over the
% fireplace.� The Dean yells once more: "Roboot Hooouuse!"� Later, Fry
% and Leela are entering Fry's apartment.

� Leela: What you did to Guenter was cruel.� At the risk of sounding
�������� like an after-school special, I think we learned who the _real_
�������� animal was today.
��� Fry: You mean peer pressure?

% Fry opens the door, and in the darkened room, we see Guenter's
% sillhouette pointing something at them.� Fry thinks it's a gun, but
% Leela turns on the lights, and we see it's ony a banana.� It's one of
% many banana peels that are strewn around him on the floor.

� Guenter: Leave me alone.
����� Fry: Hey, what's going on?� I thought you didn't like bananas.
� Guenter: Of course I do.� I try so hard to fit in but seeing my
���������� parents act like that made me realize I'm just a primitive
���������� beast.� [sobs]
����� Fry: Hey, hey, cheer up.� Not everyone turns out like their
���������� parents.� I mean, look at me.� My folks were honest, hard-
���������� working people.� [snorts]
��� Leela: Besides, Guenter, you're not like other monkeys.� You've got
���������� the hat.
� Guenter: So what?� I mean, sure, it looks cool and it makes me smart
���������� but it doesn't make me happy.� [sobs]
��� Leela: That's so sad.� I didn't even known monkeys could cry.
� Guenter: That can't!� It's all the hat.� [cries louder]
����� Fry: Look, Guenter, if you're so miserable here maybe you should
���������� just go back to the jungle.
� Guenter: [dreamy]� The jungle?� ... but I couldn't do that to the
���������� Professor.� I'm his prize experiment ... and he's like a
���������� father to me.
��� Leela: But he's not your father.� That guy in the punch bowl was
���������� your father.

% Fry happens to be drinking a glass of punch at that moment, and spits
% it out in shock.� The next day, the chalkboard in their 20th Century
% history class reads "TEST TODAY!"� Professor Farnsworth keeps the
% Instructor company at the head of the room.� Guenter is having trouble
% concentrating on the test, and is constantly looking out the window at
% the edge of the lush jungle that sits right next to the campus. �After
% the distraction becomes so intense that Guenter has trouble breathing,
% he hits the breaking point and rips the hat off his head, scrambles
% across the room and crashes through the window, disappearing into the
% woods.� Professor Farnsworth laments.

� Prof.: Oh, I always feared he might run off like this.� Why ... why
�������� ... _WHY_ didn't I break his legs?

% End of Act Three� (8:26)

% Farnsworth, Leela and Fry are gathered in Fry's dorm room that
% afternoon.� Farnsworth laments over a photograph of him and Guenter
% enjoying a ride at Splash Mountain (or a similar ride).

� Prof.: [sad]� Oh, poor Guenter.
� Leela: So he just ran away in the middle of the exam?
� Prof.: I'm afraid so.� All he handed in was a paper smeared with
�������� feces.� He tied with Fry.
��� Fry: I guess he realized I was right when I told him to go back to
�������� the jungle.
� Prof.: You _what_?!� After I spent months slaving over a hot monkey
�������� brain?
��� Fry: Hey, don't blame me.� You tried to force Guenter to be a human
�������� but he's an animal.� He belongs in the wild ... or in the
�������� circus on one of those tiny tricycles.� Now, _that's_
�������� entertainment.
� Prof.: But Guenter's obviously better off being intelligent.� Tell
�������� him, Leela.
� Leela: Uh-uh, I'm staying out of this.� Now, here's my opinion ...
�������� what we should do is ...
���������� [Leela whispers to the others, but we can't hear her]
� Prof.: What?!
� Leela: I said ... we'll go to the jungle and let Guenter decide once
�������� and for all.
� Prof.: What!?

% The sign over the river says "Big Fraternity Raft Regatta."� Robot
% House and Snooty House are among the contestants, the latter sporting
% a classy yacht-like boat and the former sitting in a flabby inflatable
% raft with a motor attached.� Dean Vernon takes the microphone.

������ Vernon: You all know the rules.� Whichever house wins the regatta
�������������� becomes head of the greek council and, should that house
�������������� currently be on any type of multiple-secret probation, it
�������������� will be lifted and I will be forced to serve as grand
�������������� marshall of a parade honoring them.
���������������� [Snooty House pulls up next to Robot House]
�������� Chet: I _say_, Robot House ... your watercraft is as ill-
�������������� designed as you yourselves.
� Meiderneyer: Good one, Chet!
���������������� [they laugh]

% Bender takes no heed of their insults ... he shows them up by lifting
% an entire beer keg that was sitting in their raft, ripping the top
% off, drinking the contents in one gulp and flattening the empty keg
% against his forehead.� Dean Vernon announces the start of the race
% with a gunshot (that goes clear through the side of ERR's raft), and
% the race begins.� Not too far away, the crew is hiking through the
% jungle searching for Guenter.

��� Fry: Wow, the jungles on Mars look just like the jungles on Earth.
� Prof.: Jungles on _Earth_?!� [belly-laugh]
� Leela: I see some movement up there.� I think it's him.
� Prof.: Stand back!

% Farnsworth throws a grenade-like device into the branches of a tree,
% and it explodes in a cloud of blue smoke.� A few snakes, some birds
% and a tiger fall on their backs to the forest floor.� The Professor
% says they'll be fine once the tranquilizer wears off, and as the crew
% move on, an elephant falls out of the tree and lands on all of the
% unconscious animals.

% Fry spots Guenter sitting on a rock by the riverbed.� Leela explains
% her plan in detail: "Professor, you'll offer Guenter the hat, and Fry,
% you'll offer him the banana.� We'll let him decide whether he wants to
% be intelligent or just a mindless animal."� She takes out a second
% banana for Fry because he ate the first one, and the plan is put into
% action.� Farnsworth and Fry stand on opposite sides of the confused
% monkey, each hyping theirs as the best choice, when Bender and his
% buddies come flying down the river in their raft.

� Gearshift: Hey, Bender, are you sure this is a shortcut?
���� Bender: Not as sure as I was an hour ago!

% The raft grazes against the edge of the river, and knocks everyone
% except Guenter into the water.� It steers ahead, finds itself staring
% straight into a waterfall, and falls off ... conveniently putting them
% right near the finish line.� As Snooty House is crawling towards the
% end, the robots emerge from underwater at the last second and steal
% the glory.� Dean Vernon is outraged and the Snooty House yacht
% capsizes in shock.

% Back at the waterfall, Farnsworth manages to grab hold of a floating
% log and secure it to a pointy rock that juts out the edge of the
% water, on which the other two grab a hold.� A piece of the log falls
% away under the pressure, though, proving they're not quite safe yet.
% On the riverbed, a mindless Guenter is sniffing at the hat and the
% banana, which were both left on the ground.� Farnsworth yells at him
% in vain to put on the hat and save them ... the monkey tries a number
% of solutions, including wearing it on his knee or his butt, and
% wearing the banana on his head and chewing on the hat.� ("Stupid
% monkey," complains the Professor.)

% Guenter finally manages to get it on his head, and yells "Eureeka!",
% then after some quick calculations, ties a vine to another log, loops
% the vine over a tree limb overhanging the waterfall, and lets the crew
% climb up.� The three of them find themselves sitting safely on the
% limb with the vine tied around, and Guenter hanging below them,
% supported only by the log swinging from the vine, with the river far
% below him.� The vine starts to tear in the middle.

��� Leela: Hurry, Guenter!� Climb up the vine!� You can still save
���������� yourself.
������������ [Guenter doesn't budge, though]
� Guenter: [melodramatic]� Why bother?� I've got nothing to live for.� I
���������� was miserable as a genius, and as a monkey I was so dumb I
���������� tried to wear a hat on my butt.� [Fry chuckles]� There's just
���������� no place for me in this world ...� [cheers up]� Although, on
���������� the other hand ...
������������ [the vine breaks -- he falls away]
��� Prof.: Oh, that poor, sweet monkey.� Well, let's go gather him up.
���������� There's no sense letting him go to waste.� [he licks his
���������� lips!]

% At the bottom of the waterfall, they find Guenter alive, and only
% slightly dazed.

����� Fry: Guenter!� You're alive!
� Guenter: I guess the hat must have broke my fall.
������������ [Farnsworth inspects it]
��� Prof.: It seems to be working at only half-capacity.� But I can fix
���������� it.
� Guenter: No, wait!� I like it like this.� I actually feel sort of ...
���������� happy.
��� Prof.: But what about your superintelligence?
� Guenter: When I had that, there was too much pressure to use it.� All
���������� I want out of life is to be a monkey of moderate intelligence
���������� who wears a suit.� That's why I've decided to transfer to
���������� business school!
��� Prof.: Noooo!!

% Well, Robot House is getting the parade it fought for.� Dean Vernon
% marches in front, Bender and the rest wave to the crowd from atop a
% pink float, and Bender announces "Big party at Robot House!"� The song
% "Shout!" blasts out of nowhere, hordes of students pour into the
% street to dance, including Fry, Leela, Guenter and the Professor, and
% the camera freezes on each of the stars with an epilogue appearing in
% captions.� Here's what they said ...

% Fry dropped out successfully and returned to his dead-end delivery
% job.

% Guenter got his MBA and became president of the Fox network.

% Fat-Bot caught a computer virus in Tiajuana and had to be rebooted.

% Leela went on one date with Dean Vernon, but he never called again.

% His job done, Bender stole everything of value from Robot House and
% ran off.

% Thus ends Act Four� (6:52)

= Contributers =

{ak}� Adam King�������������������� {jl4} Jeff Lester
{bb}� Bronco Bob������������������� {jlm} Jesse Leon McCann
{bt}� Baykent Tukeli��������������� {jph} John P. Hayes
{da}� David Antonoff��������������� {jr4} Jonathan Reed
{dbc} Daniel B. Case��������������� {mm}� Michael Morbius
{ddg} Don Del Grande��������������� {rc2} Robert Castillo
{fp}� Fen Phen��������������������� {sam} Steven Aaron Monroe
{hl}� Haynes Lee������������������� {trl} Team Rocket Leela
{jb}� Jason Barrera���������������� {zb}� Zapp Brannigan
{jk}� Joe Klemm

Futurama and its characters are the��� ===== First uploaded: 01-Nov-1999
properties 30th Century Fox.� Lawyers� ===== Revision B��� : 05-Dec-1999
Bring Fear.� By Jordan "MU" Eisenberg. ===== E-mail me: <jedraw@aol.com>


futurama appartient à la fox et Matt Groening en est le créateur... le site officiel de Futurama se trouve ici :

