January '97 Route Map

The route we took: JH Plaza, west on Market, northwest on Pine, south on Montgomery, south on New Montgomery, west on Howard, south on 4th St., west on Harrison, south on Treat, west on 18th St., north on Sanchez, west on 15th St., north on Noe, east on 14th St., north on Walter, west on Waller, north on Pierce, west on Haight, north on Scott, west on Page, north on Divisadero, west on Fulton, north on Lyon, west on McAllister, north on Central, west on Golden Gate, north on Masonic, east on Geary, north on Presidio, west on Sacramento, north on Laurel, west on Clay, north on Spruce, west on Washington.

At the Circle of Presidio Terrace, our way was blocked by police. No adequate explanation was given, but the map itself showed the police that we intended to ride through this very exclusive neighborhood. They must have had to organize quickly in order to block us. -Lx

South on Arguello, west on Lake, south on Park Presidio, west on California, north on 32nd Ave., west on El Camino Del Mar, ending at Palace of Legion of Honor where we circled the fountain and enjoyed the view!

This map was printed by Christian Lachner.

Comments on the Ride

I was late, and as a result I wound up joining the ride at 3rd and Howard with no map in hand. I deviated from the Mass at Geary and sprinted west to Arguello where I turned north and waited for the head of the Mass to arrive. At that location I met two other Massers who had done the same thing. One of them was kind enough to give me her routemap which she had tucked into her shorts. As a result, this scan is of a rather sweaty, wrinkled Route Map.

The ride was a success, attended by over 400 people in spite of wintry, drizzly conditions. Of note was the final climb up El Camino Del Mar, a gentle hill with no lighting that winds thru a golf course and supplies several spectacular views of the Golden Gate Bridge from a point about 1 mile southwest of the Bridge. Police presence was low key outside of the Presidio Terrace roadblock, and I witnessed no major altercations, however a Masser did encourage the rest of us to "Eat The Rich" as we rode thru Seacliff, another uppercrust neighborhood near the end of the ride.

Although there is a calendar of "proposed routes" on this map, actual routes and destinations are still very much open due to the non-centralized and almost anarchic style of "organization" the Mass celebrates. If there's someplace YOU'D like to go, let The Mass know! We acknowledge Mr. Lachner's efforts, and thank him for his work on January's route.

HTML and Comments by Lx Rudis.