BICYCLISTS' RIGHT TO THE ROAD What drivers say -- and what the law says Driver: "Get off the road." NYS Sec. 1231: Bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities to use the road as other vehicles. NYC Sec. 4-07c: Bicyclists over the age of 14 MUST ride on the streets, not the sidewalk. Driver: "Get out of my way." "You are supposed to be in a bike lane." NYS Sec. 1234: Bicyclists must ride in bike lanes, on paved shoulders, or on the curb UNLESS there is no bike lane or shoulder, or there are hazards which make it unsafe to ride at the curb. Bicyclists may take the lane if the traffic lane is too narrow to share with another vehicle safely. NYC Sec. 4-12(3): Bicyclists may ride as far to the left or right as practicable on a one-way street that is at least 40 feet wide. Driver: "If you ride a bike, you have to watch out. You have to yield to cars." NYS Sec. 1146: Due Care: Drivers must exercise due care to avoid collisions with bicyclists. NYS Art. 26 (Sec. 1231): Yielding: Drivers must follow normal rules of yielding the right of way to bicyclists as they would any other vehicle, when drivers are turning, crossing intersections, changing lanes,or entering the roadway. Produced by Veloprop. Photo: Fred Askew.