Critical Mass essays, flyers, images from San Francisco, 1992-1998
(and a few from the 21st Century),
by Chris Carlsson, Jim Swanson, Hugh D'Andrade and friends

Critical Mass: Ride Daily, Celebrate Monthly
Illustration by Beth Verdekal

How To Make a Critical Mass:
Lessons and Ideas from
the San Francisco Experience

Hey! Get out of our way!
Illustration by Jim Swanson
We're Sorry!
Critical Mass From the Inside Out


Critical Mass SF 1st Birthday
Critical Mass: One Year Old
Illustration by Jim Swanson
We ARE Traffic!
Critical Mass Comic
Massive Critique
Criticizing TV, or Who You Callin' 'Mass'?
Think Guilt'll Get 'Em?
Think Again!!

Radical Patience

Cops and Their Counterparts:
2 sides of the same coin!

Officer Frank Friendly
Illustration by Jim Swanson


Critical Miss Massives, April Fools 1994
Comments on
Department of Parking & Traffic Hearings,
Jan. 1994

Critical Massifesto
Unofficial personal remembrance of
first two years of SF's Critical Mass

DPT Attacks CM
and an Enthusiast Responds

Critical Mass Two Years Old?!
Critical Mass San Francisco: 2nd Anniversary
Illustration by Jim Swanson

Safety Tips


Freeway Stump Tour
Discussion on March 1995 ride
Bicycling Over the Rainbow: Redesiging Cities and Beyond
Critical Mass 3rd Birthday:
It's Gotten Boring!

Critical Mass San Francisco: 3rd Anniversary
Illustration by Jim Swanson


Answers to March's Survey
Organizing Messengers


Bikes Everywhere

Happy Fifth Anniversary, Critical Mass! (16 pages, PDF Format)
The Hidden Class Politics of
Bicycling, Trains, Cars, BART (!)
Critical Mass San Francisco: 5th Anniversary
Illustration by Jim Swanson


Waiting for Muni
Illustration by Beth Verdekal

MASS if You're Critical
Public speech at beginning of 1 year after (police riot) ride
Sixrag: Sixth Anniversary (12 pages, PDF Format)
Whither Bicycling: Tepid Reform or Utopian Revolt?
Moralism vs. Utopianism: of helmets and bike lanes
In 1998, David Powers launched the SCREED! website,
a collection of Critical Mass flyers.


A Quiet Statement Against Oil Wars (2 pages, PDF Format)


Planning for the 10th birthday has begun (1 page, PDF Format)
Coming in September:
Critical Mass: Bicycling's Defiant Celebration
(1 page, PDF Format)


History: It's not made by great men!
(1 page, PDF Format)
George W. Bush: "Let's have a war!"
Illustration by Jim Swanson

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